
Tuesday, 30 March 2010

Planning the music video

We recorded our initial ideas onto a storyboard (pictures below). In doing this it showed us a step-by-step of the camera shots, angles and different settings that we wished to use in our music video. Doing this is allowed us visualise our video before we actually started to film, if we didn't like something or felt that the shots had to go in a different order then it was simple enought to rub it out of the storyboard and draw it into another box.

The story boards below show our ideas at the beginning of the project. We have written notes about the camera angles and shot types we wanted to do and drawn pictures to show what actions we would like to have and what setting we would like our video to be shot in.

Here in our first storyboard is the opening part of the song. We want our first shot to be of the main girl walking in a rural setting and sitting beside a tree. We then wanted a birds eye view shot of the book whilst its being opened to show the audience that the book is a key feature of the storyline and it also links to the lyrics of the song.

In this second storyboard we wanted to show the audience the girls memory of her partner, telling her story. So we chose shots to cut back and forth between different memorys and different parts of a memory with her in the present time with the book as was seen at the beginning of the video.

Camera angles that we thought would be effective was close-ups of the two females holding hands, long shots of the scenery and the couple together, with maybe the use of a slow zoom in to allow the audience to get the feel of emotion from the performer.

This third storyboard shows some more different camera angles that my group wanted to include. Close-ups again, but this time of the book and the words 'the story' being written. Also we liked to include a slightly high tilted angle shot of the girl reading the main book.

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