
Tuesday, 30 March 2010

Bi- Weekly Log of the production

Week 1- End of October
As a group myself and Libby started planning our ideas from our music video research that we would like to include in our own. We researched different genres to analyse their forms and conventions and then we pulled our research together with some added conventions that we liked the look of.
Start storyboarding and filming as well.

Week 2-
In the second week we started to do all our filming to get that done so that we could see how we would piece together our video and choose the right particular shots.

Week 3-
In this week we carried on filming and started putting the beginning of our video together and figuring out which types of effects looked best. We also chose our shots from the filming that we'd already done that we had decided to use in our final product.

Week 4-
Carried on our editing and putting the music video together. We also had our first viewing of what we had so far and our other ideas from our class focus group. This allowed us to get feedback on what they thought so far and any changes that they felt were needed.

Week 5-
Carrying on editing, making sure that the visuals follow along with the lyrics and that the wasn't any problems with the camera work. Also thinking up new editing ideas along the way.
Does one particular scene work better with saturated colour or not?
And is this reverse motion effective?

Week 6-
Still focusing on getting the editing completed in this week, but also starting to research different cd covers from different and similar genres to ours. By doing this I got a general view of the conventions on each cover held and it gave me ideas as well on the type of things I might like to include in my own.

Week 7-
Particularly focusing on getting to the end of our editing and working on what to put. We shot one last scene just so we could have a little bit more footage for the video.

Week 8-
In this week I moved on to my ancillery tasks. I took various pictures that I could use and chose out of a possible 7 which to have for my front cover and which to have for my back cover. Once having done this I started producing my cd cover on Corel Draw and editiong the picture on Adobe Photoshop.

Week 9-
I carried on with my cd cover design but also started researching various music single advertisements and what kind of magazines advertise my particular genre type?

Week 10-
In week 10 I used Corel Draw again but to design my advert this time. I played around with images and colours until I found the right contrast. I then took a look at the type of wording that is typically found in music advertistments.

Week 11-
I carried on with my ancillery tasks, finishing my cd cover and advertisment. Then showed them to members of my target audience to see what they thought about them. Whether they would see my product, and would it make them want to purchase the cd?

Week 12-
In this last week I touched up and added any finishing touches to my music video, cd cover and the single advertisment, before it was needed to be handed in to be marked. Once all our class had finished their products, we had a focus group within our class and also handed out questionnaires to our target audience and got them to watch the music videos. By doing this we got feedback from our audience as to what they thought.

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